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Completing a course of obstacles accurately and with speed.
The sport of dog agility is fun and can be very addictive.
Below gives a broad outline of what is involved and what you can achieve; it's a sport that Gordon Setters love and can do well in.
What is Agility?

Agility is where a handler aims to direct a dog correctly around a course of obstacles in the fastest possible time without incurring faults.
The obstacles can be a combination of jumps, tunnels, weaves and contact equipment.
The sport of dog agility is global with some countries having a few different organisations with their own slightly different rules or obstacle requirements; but essentially the purpose remains the same.
It is a fun activity to do with your dog and can keep both the handler and the dog fit.
How do I find a show?
Throughout the UK competitions are held every weekend with some even lasting over a week.
The Royal Kennel Club and Agility specific sites will help you locate a trainer or a show.

How does Judging work?

A judge usually has many years of competing behind them; in order to judge they need to complete certain criteria required as per their organisation.
An example can be found on the Royal Kennel Club site.
Dog agility has changed over the years, as the contenders of the sport find faster ways to navigate the courses the equipment and judging of it can change in order to ensure dog welfare and safety remains paramount.
The following is a generalisation of how the course and obstacles are judged:
Course - Navigate the course from start to finish in the right order.
Jumps - jump the right way and keep the jump pole up.
Tunnels - navigate the right way through.
Contacts - dog needs to touch the different coloured contact point on both up and down parts (some obstacles only require the down contact to be touched)
Weaves - Dog must enter with first post on its left shoulder and not miss out any gaps on its way to the end.
What awards are there in the UK
You can attain titles for your dog such as AW or CH.
The main award under the Royal Kennel Club is the Agility Warrant which is based on points attained by completing a course at a competition correctly and within time which is known as a Clear Round.
Agility Warrant levels and points required are:
Bronze (200), Silver (400), Gold (800), Platinum (1200) & Diamond (1600)
Champion Status is awarded to a dog winning the Championship Class 3 times under 3 different judges.