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Breed Showing
Breed Showing is about showcasing your Gordon Setter against others of the breed.
Below you will find information on what showing is about and how to get involved; as well as some beautiful examples of our wonderful breed.
What is breed showing?

Breed showing is where dogs are compared to each other in order to find the best example so that the future of the breed is kept true to type.
Dogs compete against each other within classes based first on age and then on qualifications or number of wins they have had.
The movement of the dog is defined by it's structure; an excellent structure means the dog can move well, which in turn means it is in the best health and physical well-being that it can be.
It is these dogs that will carry the breed forward with their progeny.
There are a number of different achievements that a dog can attain during it's career and once qualified the dog's name will incorporate these accolades.
About shows
Dog shows are held all over the UK (and the world) on most weekends and sometimes during the weekdays.
Broadly speaking they are split into two categories, Open & Championship; but can be three different types, Breed specific, Group specific or All breeds.
Each breed of dog belongs to a Group which are generally categorised by purpose. The Gordon Setter is part of the Gundog Group.
The Royal Kennel Club website is a great source of information on how to get started.
Shows are scheduled many months and years in advance; when the show is a few months from happening the information about the show will be published in a booklet or online by providers such as Higham Press & Fosse Data.
Companion Dog shows are a great place to start.
Shows take a lot of organisation, so if actually showing a dog isn't your thing you can still get involved by helping out.
Stewards - keep the competition moving in each ring
Secretaries - organise the event and delegate jobs for the show to progress from design to opening through to closing.
Committees - help the Show Secretary

How is a judge qualified?

Before anyone steps foot into the judging arena they must do the following:
Attend a KC Requirements of a Dog Show Judge Seminar and pass the exam
Pass the KC Points of the Dog Assessment
Attend a KC Conformation and Movement Seminar
Complete an online KC critique writing seminar
The judge then progresses through 4 levels and at the 4th level they can then award Challenge Certificates in that Breed.
The Royal Kennel Club gives more detailed guidance on judging dogs. A judge can be asked to assess dogs all over the country and the world.

Show Awards in the UK
JW - Junior Warrant - This is for dogs between the ages of 6 & 18 months old.
ShCEx - Show Certificate of Excellence - This is for dogs over 18 months old and is attained from points gained at Open Shows.
VW - Veteran Warrant - This is for dogs 7 years and over and is attained from points gained at open shows but only in any variety veteran classes (not specialised breed classes)
OSW - Open Show Winner - Awarded to dogs who have attained both the JW & ShCEx awards. (The JW must be under the new points system(1 July 2022))
SGWC - Show Gundog Working Certificate - Awarded to dogs that have qualified at a field trial.
CH - Champion - Awarded to dogs who gain 3 Challenge Certificates at Championship shows.
The Royal Kennel Club lays out the criteria for attaining each of these awards.