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Obedience Training & Trials
Precision & Response are the keys to Obedience Trials.
But training and teaching your Gordon Setter helps create a special bond.
What are Obedience Trials?
The word "obedience" was derived from Latin and originally meant to "listen to" or "pay attention to". Through the years the term has evolved to mean "compliance" or "response".
Obedience Trials are where each dog and handler team complete a set of exercises with precision.
It can take years of practice and training to get to the higher levels of competition but anyone can enjoy the training.
Obedience training with a Gordon Setter is fun and rewarding; they enjoy happy and relaxed training and are easily capable of precision. Gordon Setter's are quick to learn but be prepared to be creative in your training as they do get bored with repetition.
What Exercises Are Involved?
Heelwork - generally this is the art of remaining level and in position with the handler's left hand side through a variety of forward movements.
Retrieve - Dog brings an article back to handler.
Scent - Dog has to select the requested scent from a selection of cloths and return it to the handler.
Stays - The dog needs to remain in a sit, down or stand position while the handler moves away or leaves the room.
Send-Away - The dog moves away from the handler to a designated spot and waits for the next cue.
Position Changes - Dog moves from one position to another at handler's call (Stand/Sit/Down)

How does Judging work?

Judging is based on how the team work together, the accuracy of the positions of the dog in relation to the handler while completing the exercises and whether the dog and handler are efficient and correct in their execution of the exercises.
Each exercise has maximum points and any deviation from precision or accuracy results in loss of points.
The winning team is the one with the most points left.
Teams compete at difference levels against other teams of a similar ability.
A combination of winning and/or points enables progression through the levels.
What Qualifications Are There?
Apart from cards and rosettes for wins and placings in each level, you can put a title on your dog's name by achieving a certain number of points over their career.
Excellence Titles from the Introduction level right through to the highest level which is called Test C are available.
Championship Status is achieved by a number of wins under different judges at Test C level.

There are offshoots of Obedience Competitions that can also be enjoyed.
Rally-O - Very similar to the obedience trial but less precision is required. The course and requirements are marked for the handler and dog team to complete in their own time but within a time frame.
Canine Good Citizen Scheme - This is a series of exercises in different levels which include everyday life experiences.
Actively doing training with your Gordon Setter can also lead to their involvement in other sports and activities but ultimately it helps them learn about living with us in our society as well as strengthening the bond between human and canine.